O-15 Three Ocean Model Canoes
O-15 Three Ocean Model Canoes
Model canoes are part of traditional crafts to teach canoe building and show the skill of the carver. They have been collected since 19th C in the Pacific.
a) Wuvulu (Matty) Island. This slender canoe form, with outrigger, pointed at both ends, and surmounted by two elegant spires, is certainly one of the most spectacular coastal canoes of Oceania. This example is a large model, superbly made, with outrigger and the two spires removable ex-PNG coll, ex-Australian coll. Mid-20th C.
b) Caroline Islands, ocean-going model canoe. Well made, with walls slightly curved inwards and both prows rising in a gentle arch. Including a model paddle and canoe bailer. ex-old Australian collection. Early – mid-20thC.
c) Fiji. A large example of a model of an ocean-going canoe, waga ni Viti, the earlier form of Fijian canoes, which later developed dual hulls in the mid-19thC. Found in a Tasmanian antique shop over 50 years ago. Its details suggest much older. A 19thC model canoe, very similar, was displayed at the 1880 Melbourne International Exhibition, now in Museum of Victoria.
a) 227 x 56 x 68 cm b) 82 x 59 x 36 cm c) 152 x 57 x 106 cm
Size Various